Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fly on the Wall

Fly on the Wall by e. Lockhart (Teen)

Unabridged audio -- 4 CDs -- 4 hours -- read by Caitlin Greer

This had to be one of the most disgusting things I've listened to in a long time. The main character is a girl in a special arts school in NYC. The book started off fairly well, although the language at times was bad (trust me, it got a lot worse). She wishes she was a fly on the wall of the boy’s locker room so she could hear what goes on in there and the next day, she wakes up as a fly on the wall in the boy's locker room. Through all of almost 2 complete CDs of the 4, she proceeds to talk about seeing them all naked and about the size of their "gherkins". Geezzz give it a rest. I kept skipping to the next track hoping it would be finished. Also there was a lot of talk about the size of girls "biscuits". The basic story was good, but the voyeurism got to be too, too much. The girl started tossing the "f" word around constantly too.

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