Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Contest at Amberkatze's Blog
Amber once again has out-did herself. This week's give-away is for an autographed copy of Casey Daniel's latest book Night of the Living Dead. Go on over to : http://amberkatze-amberkatze.blogspot.com/2008/12/author-interview-and-contest-with-casey.html and enter to win. The lucky winner will be announced on Sunday, January 4th.
Thursday, December 25, 2008

House of Night #1: Marked by PC & Kristin Cast
Ok, Blue Bloods is my favorite teen-vampire series, but this one comes in a very close second. Even though I feel like the vampire high and vampires being an exceptable state of being is pulled from the wizards and witches in Harry Potter, I still liked the idea of the special school and of this just being the way things are. I liked the Native American undertone in this one as well. Overall, I really liked the book and have already stared book number two in the series, Betrayed.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I admit it, I listened to all the books on audio and got hooked on the first one. The last one left a bit to be desired (I thought by the third book, Meyer had written herself into a corner it would be hard to get out of, I was right!) So, I went to see the movie this weekend with my two daughters. They both came out saying it wasn't as pre-teen stupid as they thought it would be, but not oscar material. I thought it was pretty good and I will go see the others. It stuck to the main story pretty well. Some of the things I did not like - I thought Bella came off as flat out rude most of the time- girl with an attitude and what did they do to Edward's eyebrows?? Geezzz, they look horrible. I hope they tone those down for the next movie. I liked Robert Pattinson in the Harry Potter films, but I'm not sure he is right for this part. I always thought of Edward as being a very, unreal kind of handsome and between his eyebrows and his flatten nose (did they do something to it? I thought he was much cuter in HP), he just didn't fit the picture I had in my mind. Neither did Dr Cullen, he came off a bit wierd looking. The girls were great, especially Alice and Esme, they were perfect matches, but Dr Cullen and Edward? I expected them all to be drop dead gorgeous and they just weren't. Looking at pictures of them elsewhere, they are all pretty good looking guys, but the movie makeup made them look I don't know, bad. Jasper looked great and Emmett was ok, but Dr Cullen and Edward need some major makeup tone down before New Moon.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Jeaniene Frost contest
Amberkatze out-did herself this week. Her guest interview and contest are with Jeaniene Frost, author of the Night Huntress series. The winner will receive a copy of the third book, At Grave's End. You can find the contest at : http://amberkatze-amberkatze.blogspot.com/2008/12/author-interview-contest-with-jeaniene.html
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
New Author Contest at Amber's
New author Amber Dawn Bell is featured this week on Amberkatze's Book Blog. She also has a contest to win Amber Dawn Bell books & gift packs. Go over and enter at:
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Blood Lite

Blood Lite by Various Authors
I was very disappointed in most of the stories in this volume. I really enjoyed Jim Butcher's "Day Off". It was hysterically funny, but for the most part, the rest of the stories fell well below the mark. I started several and didn't even bother reading past the first or second page. I usually pick up on a couple of new authors when reading this sort of book, but not this time.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Quidditch through the Ages & Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Quidditch through the Ages & Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by JK Rowling
Two little companion books to the Harry Potter series. Cute enough little books. The one gives a rather nice history of Quiddich and the other is an encyclopedia of the different beasts that only the wizarding world can see. Only a true die-hard Harry Potter fan would find these of much interest.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tales of Beedle the Bard

Tales of Beedle the Bard by JK Rowling
The book consists of 5 or 6 short fairy tales of wizarding and magic with longer commentaries by Professor Dumbledore. Over all, they are cute, imaginative tales. There was one that was a little on the violent side, but, than again, some fairy tales are. I loved reading this book. It is a very quick read and I think I will now take this time to go back and read Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Quidditch Through the Ages which I have long had copies of, but not gotten around to reading.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Blue Bloods #3: Revelations

Blue Bloods #3: Revelations by Melissa delaCruz
This remains my favorite teen vampire series. Schuyler's grandmother has died and Schuyler has been placed in the home of the Force's where she is ignored by most of the family, treated badly by Mimi, and is carrying on a forbiden romance with Mimi's twin, Jack. It is rumored that the Silver Bloods are once more reappearing and that becomes evident in Rio de Janeiro where the whole Blue Blood Conclave has met. The book leaves you hangning, which I don't like. I like for series books to have definite endings rather than ending in chaos. Hopefully, the next installment won't be long in coming.
Friday, December 5, 2008
What Twilight Character Are You?
I was:
Innocent, tom-boyish, and shy, you definietly are. You also are a bit of a clutz at times. Even though you have a very low self-image, others see you as beautiful.
I was:
Innocent, tom-boyish, and shy, you definietly are. You also are a bit of a clutz at times. Even though you have a very low self-image, others see you as beautiful.
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