Okay, I've gone and done it now. I ordered my Kindle about a week or so ago and it came last night. I'm still learning all the features, but so far so good -- very good in fact!
I found two books I wanted, one I have a paperback of on my TBR shelf and the other on my wishlist. Both cost $0.00. That's right, they were free downloads. "Assassin's Apprentice" by Robin Hobb and "Blood Engines" by TA Pratt.
I also bought "Rick Steve's Paris 2009" in honor of my upcoming vacation. The verdict is still out on the travel book. It sounded like a good idea. Having several 10 lb. travel books downloaded to one 10.2oz device sounded better than lugging the books themselves all around Europe, but I'm going to have to get a lot better at navigating the contents before I decide for sure whether or not the books also go with us.
I was excited to find that audio books can be purchased and listened to on the Kindle as can music. Not only can you listen to music on the Kindle, but you can have your playlist playing in the background as you read. Got to try this feature soon!!
I am disappointed in the fact that I can't organize my books the way I would like to or perhaps I haven't read far enough into the manual. I was hoping to be able to create folders to sort the books into. "Travel", "Fantasy", "Reference", etc. If this is not a feature, then I should suggest it to Amazon. (I know, I know, it's a librarian thing!)