Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Life So Far

My Life So Far by Jane Fonda
Abridged Audiobook, 8 CDs 21h-35m

I heard Jane Fonda speak at ALA this year (2014). After the session, I spoke with her briefly while she signed one of her books for me. She was so nice and friendly and seemed genuinely interested in talking with me. I've had this book on my shelf for quite a while and when I got home, I began listening to it. She talked about each of the 3 phases of her life so far. Birth to 30, 30 to 60, and her plans for 60 plus. She seems so open and honest in her writing. She does the narration of this audiobook as well and it was wonderful to hear that voice I've grown up listening to in her movies and exercise tapes talk about herself. Overall, this was one of the best autobiography/memoirs to which I've listened.

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