Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Kiesha'ra #5 Wyvernhail

Kiesha'ra #5 Wyvernhail by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

What to say about this one.... I'm glad I read the series, but it had it's ups and downs. The ending was a bit muddled and I don't really understand how or why it worked out as it did. I really can't say a lot without giving away the ending, but with all the throne claiming and recending and overtaking, I'm amazed at the forgiveness that occured in the end. Overall a good series. Atwater-Rhodes continues to be one of my current favorite authors.


Unknown said...

I started reading the first book in the series and left it at work on Wednesday and I am off till Tuesday! Darn it!

Kathy said...

Oh no! That's a whole week. I'm sorry!

Unknown said...

Yeah and now I keep forgetting many other cool books appeared in the post ;)